Cryptogram Puzzles - Solve Free Cryptograms Online (2024)

What is a Cryptogram

A cryptogram is a clever method to create and write secret messages. In essence, it is a code that hides a piece of text.

Although the words cipher and cryptogram are often used interchangeably, they are different. While the first may include numbers or other symbols as part of its code, cryptography implied the use of an only-alphabet code.

Nevertheless, this does not mean that cryptograms are easier to solve. It all depends on the rules governing the replacement of the letters. The exchange may follow a sequence, be intertwined, alternative, or completely random.

What are cryptogram puzzles?

Cryptogram puzzles are a type of word game whose popularity has been increasing thanks to the internet and the simple and easy gameplay offered by electronic devices.

As the name already suggests, this word game is based on cryptography, with the players having to solve a code of letter replacement. The game can take different forms. It can contain only single words, a personalized message or be a piece of text from anywhere (e.g. from ads or newspapers). The most popular, however, are the cryptoquotes.

What are cryptoquotes?

Cryptoquote is a combination of the words cryptogram and quote. They are a very specific type of cryptogram puzzle that hide popular quotes or sayings by famous personalities, celebrities, or well-known fictional characters.

In other words, cryptoquotes have a component of trivia associated with them. The puzzles always indicate the author of the quote which may serve as a clue to the subject of the cryptogram if the players are familiar with the person in question. Nevertheless, knowing the author is never a requirement to solve the puzzle.

How to play

In this cryptogram game, the players need to decode several encrypted quotes. They can see the code and the numbers of words and letters in the quote but have no other information. No letter is provided from the beginning. If they need any help, the players can use up to two hints to reveal 2 correspondences.

A letter in the code only has one alphabetical correspondence. Repeated letters will light up in a different color as a warning. For example, if an F is being used as the right correspondence for both an A and a T, then the F will be highlighted.

A victory message will appear when the quote is correctly decoded. If no message is displayed, then there must be an error somewhere in the puzzle. Please recheck the code and reread the cryptoquote to ensure it is grammatically correct and every word is rightly spelled.

You can solve as many cryptograms online as you want on our website. There is no daily limit and all our cryptogram puzzles are free. Additionally, every puzzle is set as a printable cryptogram so you can take it with you anywhere and try to solve it the traditional way, with pen and paper.

How to solve a cryptogram

When trying to solve a cryptogram puzzle it is always good to keep a few strategies in mind as well as your own knowledge of the English language.

Look for contractions and possessives: these can help you reduce your options to decode up to two letters. After the apostrophe, the only options are: ‘t, ‘s, ‘d, ‘m, ‘re, ‘ve and ‘ll.

Search for one-letter words: the only 1-letter words commonly used in English are ‘I’ and ‘A’. Unless the quote is archaic or poetic, these are the only options you need to focus on.

Check for double letters: common double letters include ‘SS’, ‘RR’, ‘OO’, ‘EE’, ‘LL’, so keep these in mind if you find a code with a double.

Consider the digraphs: these are pairs of letters that can be often found together. For example: ‘CH’, ‘SH’, ‘TH’, ‘WH’, ‘PH’, or ‘EX’.

Do not forget about common beginnings and endings: the longer the quote or the words it contains the harder it is to solve the cryptogram. In these cases, it will do well to remember common prefixes (‘DE-’, ‘PRE-’, ‘UN-’; ‘RE-’, ‘DIS-’, ‘EN-’, ‘MIS–’) and suffixes (‘-ING’, ‘-MENT’, ‘-NESS’, ‘-EST’, ‘-ABLE’, ‘-TION’, ‘-LY’, ‘-OUS’.)

Check whose quote it is: knowing the person behind the quote can give you some hints. For example, if you know that it comes from Martin Luther King Jr., then you can make an educated guess and expect to find words such as ‘freedom’ or ‘rights’.

For more detailed strategies to beat any puzzle, be sure to check our blog article on tips for solving cryptograms.

Cryptogram Puzzles - Solve Free Cryptograms Online (2024)


How to solve cryptogram puzzles with answers? ›

  1. Jot down the letters A to Z to the side of the puzzle, keeping a note of the substitutions as you go. For example, E=I, H=S, L=G.
  2. Solve the puzzle in pencil so you can erase guesses if needed.

What is the strategy for solving cryptograms? ›

Cryptography 101: Basic solving techniques for substitution ciphers
  1. Scan through the cipher, looking for single-letter words. ...
  2. Count how many times each symbol appears in the puzzle. ...
  3. Pencil in your guesses over the ciphertext. ...
  4. Look for apostrophes. ...
  5. Look for repeating letter patterns.
Sep 27, 2021

Is cryptogram free? ›

Enjoy Cryptograms, a free puzzle game from Razzle Puzzles where the goal is to decode famous quotes! If you like interesting quotes and word puzzles, you will love Cryptograms!

How to beat cryptogram? ›

The key, so to speak, is to look at some of the conventions of the English language and play a game of percentages and educated guesses.
  1. Look for Popular Letters. ...
  2. Solve the Short Words. ...
  3. Spot the Repeated Letters. ...
  4. Look for Digraphs. ...
  5. Go for the Unusual. ...
  6. Don't Overlook the Obvious. ...
  7. Look for the Pattern. ...
  8. So, What Is the Code?
Mar 7, 2023

Is there any trick to solve puzzles? ›

EXPERT TIP: Work on a small section at a time instead of trying to place pieces throughout the puzzle. Starting with an area that has a pattern or wording and working your way out, work your way toward the edge of the puzzle. If you get stuck, start on a new section.

What is the cryptogram code? ›

A cryptogram is a kind of secret code. The formal name for this particular kind of code is a simple substitution cipher. Strictly speaking, a code is a method of disguising a message that uses a dictionary of arbitrarily chosen replacements for each possible word.

How do you decode a cryptogram puzzle? ›

The basic strategy is to continually build on what you have, using the letters you know to help figure out other letters and words in the message. Check the list of letters you've used (which are marked off automatically at the top of the puzzle) as you go to help you think about your possibilities.

Do cryptograms help your brain? ›

Cryptograms are similar to card games and crossword puzzles. Completing cryptograms helps keep the mind sharp and teaches perseverance, according to Dworkin. “Solving cryptograms is valuable for us older heads whose memory and deductive reasoning abilities decrease as we age,” Dworkin said.

What is cryptograms substitution code? ›

General Substitution Ciphers substitute one letter of the alphabet with another letter or symbol. For example, in a piece of text the word THE may be replaced by the word FSQ, where F represents T, and S represents H, and Q represents an E. This will keep the message secret from prying eyes.

How many levels does cryptogram have? ›

Cryptogram: Word Brain Puzzle is an incredible word game that will truly challenge your brain. There are a total of 600+ levels and if you can complete them all, you will become a true puzzle master! Each level will present you with a cryptogram.

How much does the cryptogram app cost? ›

Cryptogram is a free application and its core features are available to all users for free.

What do the numbers mean in a cryptogram? ›

Well, you'll notice in our cryptograms, we provide a number below each letter. That number tells you how often that particular letter appears in the puzzle (i.e. that letter's "frequency analysis").

How to solve a cryptogram step by step? ›

Check for common prefixes and suffixes on words longer than 5 letters. Not every long word will have a prefix or a suffix, but it never hurts to check if it helps you solve more letters. See if any of the words in your cryptogram start with DE-, DIS-, EN-, PRE-, or UN- by plugging in the letters for those characters.

What is the difference between a cipher and a cryptogram? ›

A cryptogram is a type of puzzle that consists of a short piece of encrypted text. Generally the cipher used to encrypt the text is simple enough that the cryptogram can be solved by hand. Substitution ciphers where each letter is replaced by a different letter or number are frequently used.

How can you solve the puzzle? ›

Jigsaw Puzzle Techniques: Fun & Helpful Ways to Solve a Puzzle
  1. Pick a puzzle. ...
  2. Figure out your puzzle workspace. ...
  3. Sort pieces with puzzle trays or boxes. ...
  4. Solve the edge first or last. ...
  5. Sort by piece shape. ...
  6. Start with smaller sections or solve in quadrants. ...
  7. Take your time and use natural light when possible.
Jan 20, 2023

How do you solve the box puzzle game? ›

The first step to solving a box puzzle is to study the box itself. Look for any seams, hinges, or buttons that may indicate a hidden compartment. Some box puzzles also feature decorative elements that may provide clues to solving the puzzle. Take your time and examine the box from every angle.


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