As it turns out, there is a whole lot more to having a gut-feeling for something than we ever guessed...And tea can have something to do with it...
We think of our gut as being all about digestion...right? There is so much going on inside our bodies that most of us have no idea about. What happens in our gut is amongst the wonders we have little awareness of.
Science refers to your gut as your Second Brain...
We do realize that when the gut is off, things are just not right, but because we may not realize the greater functionality of what science is now thinking of as our Second Brain. After all, the gut is the place where things we consume are being converted to the ingredients that sustain us.
This Second Brain is sort of like a Control Center...The Gut Microbiome...
Why a Control Center...or a Second Brain? Consider the fact that behind the scenes is a hidden powerhouse known as your gut intelligence. Imagine somewhere other than your First Brain, the well-known one, that is orchestrating your emotions, intuition and over-all wellbeing!
How, you say? Within the intricate folds of your digestive tract lies way more that a food is a complex network of neurons, neurotransmitters and microorganisms that actually communicates with Brain One...seriously!
Imagine this: while you go on with your life, within your body, gut intelligence is working continuously, keeping you healthy, happy, and plugged-in to the world around is your gut, your Enteric Nervous System (ENS) that is way more in control than you ever imagined.
ENS has a Best Friend...We love them both...
But there is more...the intricate web of nerve cells that makes up our ENS, the gut's neural network, within our gastrointestinal tract does not get a break. It works constantly, producing chemical messengers called neurotransmitters that help regulate our mood, sleep, and cognitive function...evenSerotonin, one of our happy hormones, is produced primarily in your gut.
But there is still more...It is a Dynamic Duo partnered within our gut... ENS teams-up with a diverse community of microorganisms which science refers to as The Gut Microbiome, likened to a bustling metropolis, teeming with life and activity and playing an invaluable role in cognition, memory and mood.
What is your Gut-Reaction so far?
Understanding the Gut-Brain Axis...It's all connected...
Imagine gut bacteria that can produce neurotransmitters that can affect brain function by messaging your brain and influencing your thinking and feelings...
All this is happening faster than light-speed along the Gut-Brain Axis...
Discoveries are being made continuously leading to deeper understanding of the influence of the gut-brain connection and the relationship with our consumption habits.
How is YOUR gut doing? What are the clear signs?
Listen to your body?...Yup, we've heard that here is why...
Consider a well-functioning gut intelligence system...what it can do for us. Improved mood, emotional regulation & stability...yes indeed, all resulting from your gut's production of feel-good neurotransmitters rewarding you for treating it right.
It goes deeper, though. Extend the advantage of optimal gut health resulting in enhanced intuition and improved decision-making ability...making it more reliable to go with your gut feeling. It's all about taking care of your ENS...and your ENS taking care of you.
Extend it further and we can begin to think of it as wisdom, resulting from the optimization of what we feed our gut.
Watch for signs of less stress, or better stress management, and clear cognitive function...more signs of a happy, productive gut that is facilitating high levels of cognitive performance, making it easier to deal with all that comes your will know you are on the right track.
We can nurture our Gut Intelligence...And will be glad we did...
You know the and nutrition...directly affecting our microbiome...resulting in some level of gut intelligence. Think about how diverse whole foods please your microbiome and gut intelligence compared to processed food and sugars.
Nurture your Gut Intelligence...Nurture your Second Brain...
The Good, the Bad...The Ugly.
Understanding and managing stress will allow you to protect your gut microbiome from disruption and help keep it performing at top levels. More on Stress and Tea here... need it...your gut needs it to avoid negatively impacting gut health.
Environmental factors and medications, especially antibiotics - stay aware...they can impact gut health, setting-back the hard work you do to maintain optimal gut intelligence.
Mindful Practice...Mindful Consumption...
Physical activity and stress relieving activity like Yoga, Meditation, Deep Breathing, Music, The Arts...on A ROUTINE BASIS...daily...peacefully enjoying and appreciating tea...
This takes You are what you eat to a whole new level. Probiotic-rich foods, diverse whole foods...lots of dark colors and fiber-rich foods, omega-3's, Mediterranean Diet, DASH Diet...kale, spinach, blueberries, get the idea.
Your gut lining needs plenty of water, so to keep it happy & healthy, drinking adequate water every day is crucial...The tea you drink counts towards your daily water consumption.
What is the Tea Connection? the tea...
The tea plant,Camellia sinensis, can contribute to gut intelligence and gut wellbeing by reducing inflammation and improving the balance of healthy bacteria in the gut. More on Inflammation and Tea here
Gut bacteria can digest polyphenols in tea to produce other compounds that benefit digestive health, like short-chain fatty acids. Polyphenols in tea seem to promote the growth of friendly flora that increases your microbiome health & diversity. Polyphenols also help eliminate pathogenic bacteria, allowing the gut to help improve immunity.
Beyond supporting the gut microbiome, tea may reduce the symptoms of certain health conditions like irritable bowel disease (IBS).
It's Tea Time...The Role Tea Can Play...How Tea Can Help...
We often talk about the bioactive compounds in tea that provide the healthy experience we so enjoy. Helping the microbiome and gut intelligence adds all the more reason to be enjoying the right teas.
Unoxidized teas such as green teas contain high levels of polyphenols, in particular EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate), so selecting some of these teas provides an abundance of polyphenols for gut bacteria to transform into improved gut intelligence.See more on Green Teas here...
Matcha is nutrient-dense, as non-water-soluble leaf particles that don't usually end up in tea broth are consumed and digested. In addition to some fiber, it has a higher ability to increase production of healthy gut bacteria...See more on Matcha here...
Black & Dark Teas, including Pu'erh teas, also contain some antioxidants, but the process of oxidation - and in the case of Pu'erh teas, fermentation - have gained a reputation for improving digestion that has extended to improved cardiovascular wellbeing. More on Healthy Black Teas here... and
The Role of Other Botanicals...
Some other botanicals worthy of note, said to be conducive to gut health, are ginger, fennel, turmeric, and cinnamon. Combining some of these with the tea plant can yield powerful combinations which promote a healthy gut microbiome and desired gut intelligence.
Connecting More Dots...
OK, so two brains, right? Who knew...but now we do.
When we explore tea, we find revelations...realizing now more than ever that as we sip and enjoy, we bask in the sensation of satisfaction with appreciation for the beauty of the tea and the experience. And then, there is the gratitude for just how tea is contributing to our wellbeing and longevity.
But now we see that the pleasant, satisfied sensation we experience as we sip is the blending of the theanine clarity-inducing cognitive function with our microbiome and gut intelligence simply thanking us for paying attention and doing good things. More on Cognitive Advantages of Tea here...
Recommended Gut-Supportive Teas & Botanicals...
While all Camellia sinensiswill be beneficial, here are a few high performers:
High EGCG Green Teas
Cloud Mist - China High-Mountain Green...
Haruno Sencha - Japan Sun-Grown Green...
Enshi Yu Lu - China Steamed Green...
Makinohara Fukamushisencha - Japan Deep-Steamed Green...
Jing Shan Mao Feng - China High-Mountain Green...
Imperial Jade - Japan Sun- + Shade-Grown Green...
Matcha...Stone-Ground Tea
Ceremonial Matcha - Japan Stone-Ground Shade-Grown Green...
First Harvest Matcha - Japan Stone-Ground Shade-Grown Green, First Harvest...
Culinary Matcha - Japan Shade-Grown Autumn Harvest for Smoothies, Lattes, Cooking, etc...
Blog Post: Who Me?...Enjoy Matcha? Learn more here...
Black, Dark & Pu'erh Teas
Black Snail, - China Black...
Aged Yunnan - Puerh...
Keemun (Mao Feng, Spider Legs) - China Black...
Gong Ting (Royal) - Puerh...
Ceylon Wiry Tips - Sri Lanka Black...
Golden Flower - Dark...
Lao Cha - Puerh...
Blended Teas & Botanicals
Bengal Masala Chai - India Black Tea + Masala Spices...
Vital Life Longevity Blend - Vitality Wellbeing Blend...
Turmeric Masala Chai - India Black Tea + Masala Spices...
Old Bombay Masala Chai - India Green Tea + Masala Spices...
Tick Tock - Digestive System Maintainer...
Indigestion Blues Buster - Herbal Blend...
Ginger Soother - Green Tea and Ginger...
Gingersnap - Black Tea and Ginger...