Renegades Series 3-book box set: Renegades, Archenemies… (2024)


53 reviews4 followers


March 11, 2024

(Reseña en general de la trilogía sin muchos spoilers)
Desde hace un tiempo venía con ganas de leer renegados, desafortunadamente no tuve la oportunidad de leerla en mi adolescencia y por fin decidí conocer esta historia llena de personajes únicos.

El inicio de la trilogía de superhéroes empieza por una enemistad entre Renegados "buenos" y los anarquistas, "malos" la protagonista siendo una villana y cobrando venganza donde tiene como único propósito, infiltrarse y destruir a todos los renegados.

"Había tan pocos hoy que realmente comprendieran lo que Ace había intentado lograr. No había querido que el mundo se convirtiera en lo que terminó siendo. Claro que hubo mucha brutalidad y destrucción cuando él tomó el control. Pero tenía razón: siempre están presentes en una revolución. Al final, había querido un mundo en el que los prodigios ya no fueran oprimidos, atemorizados, despreciados ni atormentados. Había querido un mundo en el que todos pudieran ser libres para elegir su propia vida según sus propios propósitos."-Renegados

Para empezar y dando mi opinión sobre algunas reseñas que leí, este libro no debería de ser vendido como un, "enemies to lovers" ni tampoco lleno de romance, conociendo a la autora o teniendo una vaga idea de sus libros debería de ser claro para el público al que se dirige, tachar este libro porque no tenga escenas subidas de tono cuando la mayoría de los personajes tienen 17 años y dos de 10 es enfermizo.

Cuando leí el primer libro juraba que el gran misterio (que no es un secreto para nadie si en la sinopsis habla de una villana infiltrada) sucedería justo al final del primero pero, oh, sopresa. ¡Sucede en el último! Si tuviera que hablar objetivamente, este libro estaría muy por debajo de mi calificación general
Son tres libros entre 500/600 páginas y es largo para lo que realmente cuenta, no tiene mucho desarrollo de mundo, es un libro en donde solo sabes que hay enemistad, hubo un guerra entre superhéroes y ahora los anarquistas viven escondidos.

Ahora, sobre si es predecible o no la historia... Si, lo es. Pero al final siento que es lo que se espera que sea (a excepción del epílogo que si me sorprendió) siento que este libro es más de personajes que de construcción o acción aunque si tenga varias escenas de peleas.

Aquí el principal problema es el odio y la motivación que tiene Nova para forjar un plan de venganza, muchos pueden criticarla por ser tan testaruda hasta el último tramo de la historia pero hay que entender que la protagonista estaba siendo engañada, creyendo que su vida mejoraría si cobrara justicia por sus propios medios.
Siempre siendo leal a su principios y cuando estos principios se ven golpeados por la realidad, teniendo una crisis de identidad.
Los personajes se comportan como lo que son, adolecentes de 17 años descubriendo la vida y el amor, no espero encontrar a una protagonista de 17 años comportándose como alguien de 40

El libro es largo y entiendo que no pueda gustar si la trama es lo que llama porque si, durante casi los dos primeros es Nova conociendo y dándose cuenta de que tal vez la vida no es como la imaginaba.

Algo que me gustó mucho fue ese tono de que no existe ni el lado bueno o malo, ni lo blanco o lo negro, simplemente son personajes teniendo todos los colores y siendo desafiados por su moralidad.
Los dos siendo material de buenos o malos y que aquí lo importante es saber como actúan según el poder que tengan en sus manos, al final es mucho más que hacer el bien o el mal.

"Pero eso no es lo que sucede en esta situación. Esto es lisa y llanamente una opresión. Si lo logran, los Renegados se posicionarán en un lugar aún más elevado del que tienen respecto del resto de la población. No habrá nadie para… desafiarnos. Nadie que nos detenga o nos impida obtener todo el poder, y entonces ¿qué será de la humanidad?
—Estará mejor que cuando estaba en manos de los villanos. Nova frunció el ceño, obligándose a mirarla a los ojos. Esta vez no desvió la mirada. —Y una vez que que nosotros consigamos todo el poder, ¿qué impedirá que nosotros mismos nos convirtamos en villanos?"-Archienemigos

Todo el control lo tienen los superhéroes, no existen policías, militares o presidente al mando. Los humanos se han acostumbrado a dejar sus acciones en los prodigios, sin médicos, sin nada. Hace que se cuestionen si realmente eso es lo mejor al crear una sociedad tan inútil con su propia seguridad, pareciendo marionetas y sobreviviendo gracias a un prodigio sin cuestionarse su vida.
Cuando antes los prodigios eran capturados, ahora son adorados y tienen hasta accesorios de ellos. (Cards y loncheritas de superhéroes)
Poco a poco los personajes caerán en esta reflexión, renegados y anarquistas llegando a la conclusión de que el mundo estaría mejor sin prodigios.

Si amé está trilogía no fue por la maravillosa historia que me contó o los giros de trama que no me veía venir... no. si fuera si, habría odiado el libro. Fue por los personajes que adoré hasta el final, Nova, Adrián, Winston... Cada uno de ellos contando su propia historia sin etiquetar el bando, aceptando sus decisiones tanto buenas como malas.
Si siento que me faltó un poquito más de found family, en algunos capítulos se dejaban de ver a Óscar y Ruby (dos amigos de Adrián y Nova) ya que al final irónicamente Adrián y Nova son muy individualistas.

"A pesar de todas las probabilidades, todavía tenía esta vida preciosa. Todavía tenía la oportunidad de hacer las cosas de otra manera. Lo que significaba que todos podían hacer las cosas de otra manera. Todos podían elegir un futuro diferente, un destino distinto. Juntos podían terminar esta destrucción sin sentido. Podían elegir reconstruir y crear en vez de derribar y destruir."- Supernova

Sobre las muertes: algunas fueron innecesarias, más aún conociendo el final de la trilogía.
En esta historia se presenta una subtrama en la que Adrián, el protagonista masculino, quiere encontrar al asesino de su madre.
Y cuando se llega al punto final de la novela, me pareció abominable la respuesta que encontró, falta de tacto y si, no me las quiero dar de moralista cuando es un libro de fantasía juvenil pero es decepcionante que hablaran mucho de la salud mental, de terapia con un anarquista y que aquí, fuera traumático y precipitado todo lo que pasó con Adrián. Nunca se tuvo una conversación con sus padres adoptivos, una repuesta de el ante ese descubrimiento... Y el último acto heroico que hizo para salvar a sus amigos queda opacado por el final.

Ay, ese final... Lo recuerdo y me deprime, esperaba tanto de ese final, sabiendo que no hay mucha profundidad o construcción del mundo.
Por temas de spoiler no puedo especificar que pasó pero me frustra leer tres libros de 600 páginas para quedar en el mismo punto por un final precipitado y una excusa barata de la autora con, "querer volver al mundo en un futuro"
Yo anhelaba un final o bien, un epílogo de nova, al final ella es la protagonista, la que más sufrió, la que merecía tener más protagonismo en la última batalla. Conocer un poco como está lidiando con todo lo que pasó, haciéndose un nuevo camino en la vida, volviendo a confiar en las personas y en ella misma pero, ¡No! Medio dicen que pasó y después te dan un epílogo narrado por alguien "desconocido" que te deja un final abierto, un plot grandísimo que da a entender que seguiremos viendo a Nova y Adrián en acción y lo más decepcionante, la incompetencia de los llamados "superhéroes"

Si, parece que odié la trilogía diciendo todo esto pero la verdad es que no, parece una brujería lo que sentí leyendo a la autora por primera vez, era una adicción sus libros y no exigía nada al leerlos, este libro es perfecto para una niña de 14 a 17 años (Sisi, también a los adultos como yo)
Me emocioné por los momentos únicos y tiernos de cada personaje, si llegaran a publicar más libros del mundo lo más probable es que los lea, enojada por el final absurdo que le dio pero los leería igual.

Seba Alghamdi

9 reviews

August 23, 2022

This series was good!! I loved the characters were all distinctive by their powers and their traits, the love subplot was nicely executed through THE WHOLE SERIES. Not like they get together in the first half of the first book. I don’t really think I could give a rating to the books individually because I binge read them. I LOVED the epilogue of the last book too. It nicely finished the series without a stereotypical final kiss from the main ship.
Overall great series!!

Wren Kitchings

59 reviews

September 10, 2021

I read the first book in this series about three years separate from the weekend that I quickly finished the other two. I remembered the first book fondly, with lovely world-building, characterization, and relationships. I picked up book two and three, and was sad to discover that Marissa Meyer fell into the trap that almost every trilogy writer falls into: book one is good, book two is slow, and book three is rushed and not foreshadowed to at all. Wonderful.

I had many frustrations with the series overall, which I will mention a couple, but I first want to say I continued to read this series even when I found the second book disappointing for two reasons: one, I was curious how Meyer was going to resolve the moral issues she had been discussing the whole time (spoiler alert: she doesn't). Two, I absolutely ADORE 'The Lunar Chronicles' and had faith in Meyer's writing.

First, one of the things that frustrated me the most was the reveal that Magpie was Evie (Nova’s younger sister who she thought was dead) all along? Honestly it was a hilarious idea, especially because Magpie frustrates Nova so much, and you know the two finding out that their long-lost sibling was each other would irritate them to no end and you would get an amazing i-hate-you-but-i-thought-all-of-my-family-was-dead to actual enjoyment of each other’s presence. There was so much room for development and characterization but instead Meyer shoved the reveal into the epilogue and left me feeling cheated and angry.

Then, the series had SO MUCH thought on morals and the complex distinctions between good and evil for it to just… not resolve anything. As someone who LOVES complex characters and character arcs I was so interested in all of the ways the "good" guys were bad and the "bad" guys were good and how Nova, caught between the two with a unique perspective, processed through all of that. But Meyer didn’t even have the guts to take away everyone’s powers (even though I’m sure that would’ve been a problem for anyone who uses their power to help them with disabilities) and just killed the main villain? And had the protagonists think long and hard about things that went wrong? No actual change? No holding the so-called ‘good guys’ who were starting to abuse their power accountable (except for killing two of them?) I was so curious how she was going to fix things and then she just... didn’t.

Third, the romance was so poorly written. Characters would be upset, thinking about all of the horrible things going on: murder, their questionable morals, being discovered, what is going to happen to the people they love, if all of the terrible and cruel things they did were worth it… and then "what if i never get to kiss Adrian again???" babe, someone almost died. It felt ridiculous, and honestly, the entire series would’ve come off better if there was no romance and Nova and Adrian were just fighting for found family. Nova could've been finding one of the first connections in her life that WASN’T manipulative and rooted in using her to accomplish another person's goals, and then the Everharts could’ve adopted her (and Magpie lol) and it would’ve been sweet. But no. Another author using romance as the 'greatest love of all’. EVEN AFTER she wrote such good friendships in "The Lunar Chronicles"! Iko and Cinder! Cinder and Thorne! Come on!

Last, but not least, my favorite character in the entire series was Callum, whose power was to make people feel wonder about the world around them. THIS was where I finally felt Meyer’s writing skills come through. Nova feeling so guilty betraying him, even more than her boyfriend and teammates, because he believed in and cared about her so wholeheartedly and with no strings attached, how his power amplified almost saved so many people from dying because it reminded them of the beauty of just existing...

and then she killed him off and left it there. The best character in the series. I swear. to god. It was barely emotional! All he got three lines later in the book! No emotional processing and mourning! And he was so good and COMPLEX!

(I'm sorry Callum you deserved better.)

Alright that's the end for today. At the end of the day, it's a fun read if you don't think into it (as you can see, I think too much into every book), however, it's very long and tedious for little to no pay-off. It's really up to personal preference.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

October 7, 2020

| Reader Fox Blog|
Renegades Series 3-book box set: Renegades, Archenemies… (5)

Though I'd been incredibly excited for this novel at the start, had excitedly rushed home from Barnes and Noble with my purchase--happily having been informed by the salesclerk that this book was actually a very popular one--I had a lot of trouble ratingRenegades by Marissa Meyer. This was largelyon account of the fact that I, to an incredibly high and likely very personal degree, feel as though Marissa Meyer deserves so much more than a three-star rating for any book that she's written. Not only is Meyer my favorite author, but she is an incredible writer and has always, without fail, managed to weave some quite impressive and addicting stories for my reading pleasure in the past in the past.

I felt it with The Lunar Chronicles. I felt it with Heartless.

I did not feel it with Renegades.

Meyer's writing is powerful; I'll give her that. She's got a great many strengths when it comes to her capabilities as a writer and I've always been thrilled to read her work. Her characters in so many ways have been so well developed and beautiful. She's one of those writers who captures the strength that female characters can have and deserve and I have always loved her for that.

I still love her for it.

Nova is a very well written and developed character. The opening of this book and Nova's introduction (or backstory) was bold and heart-wrenching. I was broken up about it, but also so thoroughly impressed. But after the first few chapters, somewhere it all started to fall. It didn't have the same addicting quality to it that has prompted me to finish all of her other books the day I got them. I didn't fall in love with the characters. I wasn't even concerned about whether or not one would die.

It felt...stale in a way I'd never have expected from Meyer.

I didn't hate anyone, really...but rather fell into a position where I had no feelings whatsoever. Usually, when I read one of Meyer's books, I'm sat with a pencil eagerly underlining every single passage that really speaks to me, the parts of the story that are just so gorgeous they deserve special recognition for anyone whom I lend the book to as well as for me when I return to read it. I didn't have that need once through the whole book. I didn't LOVE the characters and in some cases didn't even feel enough to like them. They almost felt like placeholders, as though they didn't even matter in the first place.

I found myself at times reading passages and having to go back on account of the fact that I had forgotten everything I'd read. And unfortunately, I saw the ending coming a mile away. I'm not quite sure when exactly I decided that the plot twist was the most likely thing, but I know it was early on, culminating in certainty when Nova went alone to the top floor of the Renegade building. I don't think it's bad that I saw it coming, exactly, but I can say I was a little sad to realize that I was right.

There were some other things I didn't particularly care for (mild spoiler hint ahead in this paragraph only) and I found the business with Ingrid lacking in a number of ways, particularly because it felt somewhat out of character for her with the way she'd been set up in the beginning? As it stands, when I do re-read this book (likely next year) I will be looking for signs that I may have missed to change my mind on this matter as one can never be too sure. I was more confused about everything surrounding her character than I was shocked and betrayed, which is the sense I believe Meyer was going for.

And I think, ultimately, for an author who has been so good at making me FEEL in the past, who has always left me reeling with emotion and overwhelmed at how in love and amazed I was when I've finished the book, to have that missing from one of her works was thoroughly disappointing.

Meyer is still a wonderful writer. And I will read every book she puts out in the future, but this one was hard for me.

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ҽvჹ ⍾

34 reviews7 followers

June 19, 2023

ok but i need evie's book


40 reviews

June 13, 2021

“One cannot be brave who has no fear” - Marissa Meyer, Renegades

Marissa Meyer #1 New York Times-Bestselling Author of The Lunar Chronicles creates Renegades, a sci-fi, dystopian fiction based on prodigies emanating from humanity's ravages to form an equilibrium of tranquillity and legislation. Being torn between the good and the bad based on one versus the other perspectives of change: Renegades are against the Anarchists battling for dominance. Nova Artino [Nightmare], the niece of the most feared villain in Gatlon City, Ace Anarchy, struggles between her vengeance and new admiration of the current enemy, son of Captain Chromium, Adrian Everhart. Understanding the Renegades, will Nova stand with her allegiance to her uncle Ace and the anarchists? Will something emerge to change her once vengeance-controlled mindset?

Nova disguises herself as recruitment of her most prominent enemies, the Renegades. Having her real identity a secret, Nova finds this an opportunity to destroy the Renegades once in for all. Understanding the Renegade perspective of change through the eyes of a recruit, Nova's intolerant mindset changes to see the faults of both gangs, to focus on a balance between both rivals. After becoming a Renegade spy, Nova experiences and understands the highs and lows of the infamous Renegades from witnessing the inside perspective. While completing her mission, she befriends Adrian—as she fortuitously falls for his compassionate and kind-hearted personality. Does the recent upbringing of her admiration of Adrian be able to change her adamant reprisal? Will Nova dare I say, Nightmare, be able to make her uncle proud by bringing the Renegades down or will she disappoint him once more?

Renegades by Marissa Meyer, the first novel of the Renegades trilogy, was a breathtaking adaptation of superheroes dominating a normal society. Meyer has outdone herself once again with an incredible dystopian series the subtle romance action/adventure packed storyline luxuriates the reader continuously. The book is created of a third-person omniscient, focusing on the perspectives of Nova Artino [Nightmare] and Adrian Everhart [The Sentinel]. Though the story becomes immensely indulging only after the first quarter of the novel, Meyer sets forth the base of Nova’s vengeance by retelling her retaliation purpose. Seeing Novas’ progression throughout the series was inspiring as she had turned her once hatred-filled pathway into a balancing act.

The narratives third-person omniscient takes as an exquisite addition, as when viewing the standpoints of the opposite rivalries, the reader can adapt to the different perspectives of each group. Meyer differentiates her narrative perspectives by setting forth the viewpoint of the villain and the superhero. Reading both outlooks is a game-changer, which interests unspecified groups of readers. Though the first of the series [Renegades] was an utter hit in the reading universe, the sequel [Archenemies] was a slow middle-point adaptation, which became partially tedious. The plots and twists take an extravagant start in the final of the trilogy [Supernova], which keeps the reader guessing what the following reaction will be as the twists kept emerging page after page. The ending was unexpected though slightly disappointing. Overall this trilogy is great for fans of The Hunger Games and will be rated 5/5 for its great eminence.



112 reviews

February 2, 2022

this is my new favourite series of all time, the rep and diversity is amazing, the plot is insane and adrian is to die for ;) i literally can’t expres how upset i am too have finished it ://


104 reviews

February 4, 2022

This is a solid three star series.

Four star first book
FIVE star second book
Two point five star third book

Oh, ‘Supernova’. Whyyyy?

I mean, I love the Lunar Chronicles. The only not-five-star books in that one is ‘Cinder’ and ‘Fairest’, which are both four stars. And ‘Winter’ is always trying to be favourite, but, I mean, ‘Scarlet’ exists, soooo…

So, what went wrong with Supernova?

The best series, in my opinion, have very subtle buildup throughout. I mean, Sirius was mentioned in the first chapter of ‘Philosopher’s Stone.’ The Lotus Casino has VERY important significance later in ‘Percy Jackson’.

So, this being Marissa Meyer, the woman who freaking had Jacin as a pivotal figure throughout the entirety of TLC, I had high hopes that there would be SOMETHING that would make me go ‘Ohhhh, I didn’t realize that would be important later!’ Chekhov’s gun, people. Very important.

And, I mean, Nova’s name is a good one. Super powers came from a superNOVA, her dad knew all about that, very good, very good.

Phobia is Adrian’s creation? Sure, I mean, makes sense…. I mean, kind of OP, as my brothers would say. But the same type of sentient creature is never repeated, he has literally NO visible trauma that he basically killed his MOTHER.

At least he got the girl!

And…. Ok, I can’t be trusted with unreliable narrators, because I spent the entire time being, ’Yay! Team Anarchy!!’ And yelling at Nova for NOT STICKING TO HER MORALS. Sure, Adrian’s cute, but stop letting ur teenage hormones control you!

I just really, really, REALLY wanted the Renegades to fail and for a new government to be put in. They were so corrupt, but… not.

On that note, I found Mr. Everhart and the rest of the Council very… cartoony. I mean, their decisions, like their literal DICTATORSHIP and freaking Agent N was so diabolical, but then there’s Hugh and Simon… making breakfast in cutesy aprons. They had NO personalities. None. Nowhere. Great Skies, I hate Hugh so much, for the mere fact of his being such a disappointment. I mean, Marissa is the QUEEN of Characters, and then we get… that cardboard cut out. Bleagh.

Ruby and Oscar were adorable, and literally Cinder and Thorne, but IN LOVE, and that was something that I didn’t realize I needed😂

Anyway, nothing can ever top TLC, but Archenemies was amazing, which is probably why Supernova was such a a disappointment.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


1,759 reviews

November 24, 2020

Like the Lunar Chronicles are a takeoff of fairy tale characters, the Renegades series is a takeoff of comic book characters. Prodigies in society have arisen who have super powers, as diverse as being invisible, throwing lighting bolts, creating light and darkness. (Think Superman, Captain America, Spiderman, Iron Man, the Hulk, and so on and on.) When people with extraordinary powers first appeared, they were persecuted and feared, until the Anarchists pulled down the government and even the infrastructure to destroy prejudice and the old order. Society devolved into anarchy where the strongest ruled, mostly run by gangs and supervillains. Then Renegades appeared, prodigies in superhero costumes and capes, who vowed to protect and save people. They fought the supervillains and gangs, worked to rebuild the city, and imposed order and rules. Basically the books present two philosophies of government, exemplified by the Renegades who supply order and rules, and the Anarchists who see that kind of government as autocratic and taking away freedom and responsibility from the governed. The choice seems to be between tyranny or anarchy, yet there is some truth on both sides. A corollary idea is whether the end justifies the means. Our two superheros, who are falling in love with each other, stand at those two polar opposites, trying to balance the good and the bad as they see it. I think a good litmus test comes from the bible: Ye shall know them by their fruits. Author Marissa Meyer does a good job stringing out this conflict for three very fat novels. And SciFi fans will love the superhero action scenes showcasing amazing supernatural powers.

    adventure-action paranormal romance


55 reviews2 followers

July 10, 2023

I love the world and I love the characters. The story was amazing.

Cons: So I had to try to read this twice. I got halfway through the last book and stopped. The first two books were amazing, a little cliche at some points but still really good. But the third book was hard to read. It felt really long, like the author added fillers to make all the books the same size. (Spoiler) Especially when Nova goes to prison everything slowed and got boring. Also, WTF was that epilogue? It was good but at the same time SO unnecessary. If you reach the end of the book and are content with the story’s conclusion (like I was), don’t read the epilogue. It stages another book, like an extra spin off that would ruin the series (like that thing some authors do where they take another character and stage a spin-off about them but then they portray the original main character in a sh*tty light and all the sudden you hate either the spin-off, the original series, or both). Also, the epilogue ruined the closure. So just don’t read the epilogue. 😭

Pros: Although some of their romance was cliche and too-good-to-be-true, I LOVE Adrian and above together. It was so sweet and gave us something to root for once the lines between “good” and “evil” blurred and we didn’t know what side to back.

All in all, great series, would definitely recommend (just don’t read the third and final book’s epilogue). 🤪❤️

P.S. It took me less than A DAY to finish Archenemies (2nd book) it was THAT GOOD.

Happy Reading!

Tara Macpherson

216 reviews2 followers

May 26, 2024

How do we define good and evil? Who should have authority over others? What happens when your perception of the world is challenged? How deep should loyalties run?

What happens when you throw superpowers into the mix?

These are some of the questions asked by the Renegade series by @marissameyerauthor.
A tale of lines drawn and crossed, characters that you are constantly changing your perceptions and feelings about and a lot of heart and hope buried underneath politics and trauma. (you know, the usual)

I found myself pondering alot while reading this series and am not sure I've reached a conclusion but I think that is the point.
Life is messy. Whether you're a prodigy or a normal person.
I also enjoyed the fact things were left open ended. Yes leave things up to the audiences imagination! More of that please!

I love how Meyer creates characters and worlds. I particularly enjoy how she creates characters that are not necessarily likable, but who you grow to care for anyway.
If you're a fan of sci-fi, representation, superheroes, action and a story about hope amid despair - give this a try.

I'm also quite curious to hear other people's thoughts about this series and the conversations it brings up. If you've read this series, would love to hear your thoughts!

    fantasy-retelling sci-fi-retelling


27 reviews

November 14, 2021

A really good series. I loved the magic system. Really good read.


12 reviews

May 1, 2022

I love this trilogy


125 reviews

February 17, 2024

rating: 3.6


43 reviews

April 24, 2024

one of my favorite book series


1 review

July 26, 2024

Read it right now if you haven’t. An amazing series.

Mazzy Blau

34 reviews

November 14, 2023

I loved it!!! my only regret is i didn’t wait as long as i did to read it. loved the character development both evil and good.

Lily Burden

7 reviews

April 15, 2024

Loved these books, Honestly one of my favorite series. Both the characters had likable traits and I still remember most of the story even though I haven't read them in a few years.

Renegades Series 3-book box set: Renegades, Archenemies… (2024)


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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Views: 5784

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.