Top 12 Songs for Your Communion Worship Service (2025)

Communion worship services are full of history. They always provide a special experience to draw close to our Savior as we remember His sacrifice. Church history is also rich with traditions around the sacrament of communion-like liturgies, songs, and familiar scripture readings that are significant to Christians of all ages.

Today’s worship leaders and teams have many choices on how to approach communion worship services and even selecting fitting songs for them. So we’ve gathered the top 12 songs for your communion worship service to help you provide an engaging and immersive experience for your congregation as they participate in communion.

1. Remembrance – Hillsong Worship

I take the bread of life

Broken for all my sin

Your body crucified

To make me whole again

I will recall the cup

Poured out in sacrifice

To trade this sinner’s end

For Your new covenant


I’ll live my life in remembrance


Your promise I won’t forget

With a soft and reverent feel and words written specifically about remembering the bread and cup as the body and blood of Jesus, “Remembrance” by Hillsong Worship is the perfect song to do as communion is taken or in the set in your communion worship service.

2. Mystery – Charlie Hall

Sweet Jesus Christ my sanity

Sweet Jesus Christ my clarity

Bread of heaven broken for me

Cup of salvation held up to drink

Jesus, Mystery

Christ has died and Christ is risen, Christ will come again

Celebrate his death and rising

Lift your eyes, proclaim His coming

Celebrate His death and rising

Lift your eyes, lift your eyes

Starting very soft and introspective as the verse lyrics process the mystery of Jesus Christ, this song also moves to a hopeful proclamation of the Gospel in the chorus. Then the bridge unleashes a powerful celebration of what we can look forward to in Christ’s return.

3. Remember – Steffany Gretzinger

You broke the bread and blessed the cup

You served the sacrifice of Love

Holy, holy, holy

I wanna see the Glory

Of all that You are

And all that You’ve done

Jesus the Lamb of God

Oh what a Saviour

You took the altar

And made it a table

Nothing can separate

What You bring together

Now and forever

I will remember

An intimate and introspective song that’s perfect for the moments while communion is served is “Remember” by Steffany Gretzinger. Even as a new song released in 2020, it already carries the weight of a song that’s been incorporated in worship services for decades.

4. Surrounded (Fight My Battles) – Upperroom

There’s a table that You’ve prepared for me

In the presence of my enemies

It’s Your body and Your blood You’ve shed for me

This is how I fight my battles

And I believe You’ve overcome

And I will lift my song of praise for what You’ve done

This is how I fight my battles

It may look like I’m surrounded but I’m surrounded by You

When building out the rest of the songlist for the communion worship service, you may want some more upbeat and energetic songs that still fit the communion theme. “Surrounded” by Upperroom is perfect for this with its reference to the Lord’s table in the presence of our enemies.

5. Carried to the Table – Leeland

Wounded and forsaken

I was shattered by the fall

Broken and forgotten

Feeling lost and all alone

Summoned by the King

Into the Master’s courts

Lifted by the Savior

And cradled in His arms

I was carried to the table

Seated where I don’t belong

Carried to the table

Swept away by His love

And I don’t see

My brokenness anymore

When I’m seated

At the table of the Lord

I’m carried to the table

The table of the Lord

Here’s a song with very poetic lyrics. “Carried to the Table” by Leeland works great as a song for communion worship services with its description of what a privilege it is to share the table with our Savior. Because of His sacrifice, we’re invited to His feast and seated where we don’t belong!

6. Behold the Lamb (Communion Hymn) – Keith & Kristyn Getty

Behold the Lamb who bears our sins away,

Slain for us – and we remember

The promise made that all who come in faith

Find forgiveness at the cross.

So we share in this bread of life,

And we drink of His sacrifice

As a sign of our bonds of peace

Around the table of the King

A modern hymn, written specifically for the Lord’s supper, with lyrics by Keith & Kristyn Getty are beautifully descriptive and immersive for reflecting and remembering the cost of our salvation– the body and blood of Jesus on the cross. This is one of the best worship songs for communion services.

7. Remembrance (The Communion Song) – Matt Redman, Matt Maher

Oh how could it be

That my God would welcome me

Into this mystery

Say take this bread take this wine

Now the simple made divine

For any to receive

By Your mercy we come to Your table

By Your grace You are making us faithful

Lord we remember You

And remembrance leads us to worship

And as we worship You

Our worship leads to communion

We respond to Your invitation

We remember You

This song by Matt Redman and Matt Maher provides an excellent way for your congregation to respond to communion with worship. Though we don’t fully understand the mystery of communion, when we simply realize and remember what Jesus did and who He is, we can have no other response but to accept the invitation to His table and worship!

8. The Table – Chris Tomlin

I will feast at the table of the Lord

I will feast at the table of the Lord

I won’t hunger anymore at His table

Come all you weary come and find

His yoke is easy His burden is light

He is able He will restore

At the table of the Lord

(At the table of the Lord)

Masterfully but simply written by Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, and Wayne Jolley, “The Table” provides a singable invitation for us to embrace the joy and restoration of the Lord through communion with Him. As the song goes, we remember that peace and healing are found at God’s table, and there’s a place for all of us there.

9. Communion – Brooke Ligertwood

This is communion

Your body broken

The cup we’re drinking

Is bittersweet

We remember the sacrifice of love

We remember the blood poured out for us

We remember the only Son of God

Upon the cross

Take of the bread

Receive the cup

For His mercy is enough

For the many and the one

This is communion

A brand new song written 2022, this song for communion worship services is sure to catch on and bless churches around the world. Structured with a bridge at the end with the words “Take of the bread, receive the cup,” it makes a perfect song to accompany the sharing of the elements in worship.

10. Forgiven – Bethel Music

I will sing for You alone have rescued this life

Jesus You have set me free

You alone took away all sin and disgrace

When You gave Your life to ransom me

I am forgiven at the foot of the cross

I am accepted by the power of Your love

My every stain is washed away

I am forgiven

One song that works well in a communion worship set (or just about any worship set) is this song by Bethel Music. Our minds and hearts go to thinking about forgiveness when processing communion. The forgiveness made available to us by the sacrifice of Jesus. “Forgiven” provides a triumphant response of thankfulness for our forgiveness.

11. Nothing But The Blood – Corey Voss

To the sinners ears it may sound strange

That freedom could be found through death and pain

Why sinless perfection took the blame

But hallelujah

For our pardon it would take the cross

Salvation paid for at the highest cost

Our redemption gained at Heaven’s loss

Oh hallelujah

What can wash away my sin

Nothing but the blood

Nothing but the blood

What can make me whole again

Nothing but the blood

The timeless hymn “Nothing But The Blood” is a great communion worship song many will already be familiar with. And Corey Voss’s song of the same title and implementing some of the traditional lyrics is a great choice as well. Modern yet intimate and authentic, this arrangement is powerful and sure to be received well in your communion worship service.

12. This I Believe (The Creed) – Hillsong Worship

I believe in God our Father

I believe in Christ the Son

I believe in the Holy Spirit

Our God is three in One

I believe in the resurrection

That we will rise again

For I believe in the Name of Jesus

I believe in life eternal

I believe in the virgin birth

I believe in the saints’ communion

And in Your holy Church

I believe in the resurrection

When Jesus comes again

For I believe in the Name of Jesus

With lyrics coming from the Apostle’s Creed, this song by Hillsong Worship makes space for remembering the vastness and goodness of God through the generations. “This I Believe” is one of the best songs to incorporate not only the theme of communion but all of the timeless truths of our faith in Jesus and our history as the Church into your communion worship service.

Communion worship services can be some of the most special and experiential services for those attending and facilitating. Jesus’s last meal with His disciples was so symbolic. It is a privilege to participate in the communion meal together as His followers even today.

We hope these top 12 songs for your communion worship service are helpful as you carefully plan this sacred experience for your congregation!

Bonus: You can find backgrounds, videos, and more for your communion worship service here!

Top 12 Songs for Your Communion Worship Service (2025)


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